The recent craft beer popularity explosion affords beer
drinkers more quality choices than ever before. Sam Calagione and his Dogfish Head Brewery in Milton, Delaware, is
one of the best of the microbreweries. With a name like Dogfish Head, you know
this has to be good stuff, and Sam and his team produce an incredible array of
unusual and extremely interesting craft beers. "Off-centered ales for
off-centered people," is the official description.
I did not know bourbon was whiskey. I didn't know what it
was made from, how it was made, nor had I tasted it. I've tried drinks with Canadian
whiskey, Scotch whiskey, tequila, vodka, and gin, and didn't enjoy any of them
enough to stick with it, always returning to beer as my adult beverage of
choice. Then, a trip through Kentucky in the summer of 2014 got me interested
in bourbon.